4027: Resolution of Conflicts Between Parents on ESU Program Issues

It is in students’ best educational interests to have parents work cooperatively with each other and with ESU personnel regarding their children’s education. In certain circumstances, parents disagree with each other regarding their children’s education or other issues involved with ESU 4 programs. Though such disagreements typically occur with separated or divorced parents, this regulation is not limited to those circumstances.

1) Obtaining Records and Conferring with Educators.

All parents can obtain their children’s records and meet with their children’s educators regardless of custody or visitation rights unless a court enters an order otherwise or their parental rights have been terminated. The ESU will not schedule separate parent-teacher conferences absent extraordinary circumstances.

2) Accessing a Child at ESU 4 Programs/Picking Up a Child.

ESU personnel will neither interpret nor enforce court orders governing the relations between separated or divorced parents unless the court order terminates the parental rights of a parent, limits a parent to supervised visitation with minor children or otherwise specifically limits the parent’s access to the child at ESU programs. In all other circumstances, parents may contact their child while at an ESU program or pick a child up from an ESU program at any time. School staff are not responsible for enforcing visitation schedules contained in any court order to which the ESU is not a party.

Adopted on: April 8, 2019
Revised on: _______________
Reviewed on: Jan. 9, 2023