4060 - Firearms and Weapons for Non-Students

Weapons. No person may possess, handle, or transmit any weapon while on ESU grounds or at any ESU activity or event off ESU grounds except as permitted by this policy. Definition of Weapon. The term “weapon” means any object, device, instrument, material, or substance which is capable of causing injury in the manner it is used or intended to be used.

Firearms. No person may bring, possess, handle or transmit a firearm on ESU grounds, in an ESU owned vehicle, or at an ESU activity or event off ESU grounds, except as permitted by this policy. Definition of Firearm. The term “firearm, as defined in 18 U.S.C. 921, means any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive, the frame or receiver of any such weapon, any firearm muffler or firearm silencer, or any destructive device (excluding an antique firearm).

Exceptions Regarding Firearms. The prohibition against firearms does not apply to:

  1. The issuance of firearms to or possession by members of the armed forces of the United States, active or reserve, National Guard of this State, or Reserve Officers’ Training Corps or peace officers or other duly authorized law enforcement officers when on duty or training;
  2. The possession of firearms by peace officers or other duly authorized law enforcement officers;
  3. The carrying of firearms by qualified law enforcement officers or qualified retired law enforcement officers carrying pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 926B or 926C, respectively, as such sections existed on January 1, 2023
  4. Firearms that may lawfully be possessed by a person who is receiving instruction at the ESU under the immediate supervision of an adult instructor;
  5. Firearms which may lawfully be possessed by a person for the purpose of using them, with the approval of the ESU, in a historical reenactment, in a hunter education program, or as part of an honor guard;
  6. Firearms contained within a private vehicle operated by a non-student adult that are not loaded and are enclosed in a case or are in a locked firearm rack that is on a motor vehicle; or
  7. A handgun carried as a concealed handgun by a non-student other than a minor or prohibited person in a vehicle or on his or her person while riding in or on a vehicle into or onto any parking area, which is open to the public and used by the ESU if, prior to exiting the vehicle, the handgun is locked inside the glove box, trunk, or other compartment of the vehicle, a storage box securely attached to the vehicle, or, if the vehicle is a motorcycle, a hardened compartment securely attached to the motorcycle while the vehicle is in or on such parking area.

Consequences. In the event a person violates this policy, the ESU may:

  • Make a report to law enforcement;
  • Ban any violator from ESU grounds, ESU vehicles, or ESU events for any time period it deems appropriate; and/or
  • Take any other action allowed by law.

Adopted on: August 12, 2024
Revised on: _________________________
Reviewed on: ________________________