4048: Communicable Diseases

The ESU strives to provide a safe environment for both students and staff while safeguarding the rights of all students and employees, including those with communicable diseases.

Communicable Diseases. Communicable diseases are defined by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services in Title 173 Nebraska Administrative Code Chapter 1 and include HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis (A, B, and E), Measles, Mumps, and Tuberculosis.

Program Attendance and Participation in ESU Sponsored Activities. A student who has been diagnosed with a communicable disease shall be provided with educational services in accordance with state law and board policy. Generally, individuals with a communicable disease will be restricted only to the extent necessary to prevent the transmission of the disease, to protect their health and rights of privacy, and to protect the health and safety of others. The decision regarding a student’s education program and placement shall be made on an individual basis in light of current medical and educational information and recommendations. These will be determined by the administrator, the student’s Section 504 or Individualized Education Program (IEP) team, or the ESU’s Crisis Team. In addition, participation in Nebraska School Athletic Association (NSAA) events will be subject to its rules and procedures, if any.

Infection and Exposure Control Procedures/Universal Precautions. The ESU will monitor the information available through the Federal Centers for Disease Control, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. This policy and any procedures, universal precautions, or exposure control plan will be modified, if appropriate, based upon the best new medical information provided by the above sources.

The administrator will take appropriate measures if there is an epidemic or outbreak of a communicable disease which may include, but it’s not limited to, the emergency exclusion or alternative placement of students or the closure of an ESU building or program or the entire ESU.

Confidentiality. The existence of an individual’s communicable disease shall be treated as confidential and will be limited to ESU staff on a “need-to-know” basis. If it is necessary to inform a person of another’s condition (due to exposure, for instance), the person will be notified of the confidentiality of that disclosure. In addition, any communication about a student’s communicable disease shall be consistent with that student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan, if any.

Staff Training. Staff will receive training regarding communicable diseases and the requirements of this policy and any adopted procedures as part of the training received under the Workplace Injury Prevention and Safety Committee policy.

Reporting. ESU staff who learn that an individual has a communicable disease will report it to the proper authority as required by Title 173 Nebraska Administrative Code Chapter 1

Adopted on: April 8, 2019
Reviewed on: March 13, 2023