3010: Inclement Weather and Emergency Closings

Inclement weather and emergency related closings do not count as workdays. All Inclement weather and emergency related closings are administrative decisions.

When the ESU 4 Main Office, ESU 4 Learning Center, and/or NCECBVI are closed due to inclement weather or need to close for emergencies, all staff will be paid for up to three (3) days.

After three (3) days, staff will need to make up missed time because of weather related and emergency closings. Optionally, staff may elect to take an applicable leave day or a reduction in pay for time missed. All make up time will need to be coordinated with a direct supervisor and/or administrator.

Unless the administrator or his/her designee directs otherwise, staff shall not be required to report when the ESU 4 Main Office, ESU 4 Learning Center, and/or NCECBVI are closed due to inclement weather or emergency closings. If the ESU 4 Main Office, ESU 4 Learning Center, and/or NCECBVI are closed during the day because of inclement weather or emergency closings, classified and certified personnel may be released.

ESU staff that are assigned to schools will follow the closing schedule of their assigned school. The administrator or his/her designee will determine whether the ESU 4 Learning Center and/or NCECBVI will close.

Classified and certified personnel who miss work due to inclement weather when school is in session will not be paid for time missed or will be charged an applicable leave day.

Adopted on: October 13, 2008
Revised on: June 11, 2018
Revised on: Sept. 18, 2019
Reviewed on: May 9, 2011
Reviewed on: Oct. 11, 2021
Revised on: April 11, 2022