3066: Tuition Reimbursement for Advanced Degrees

The Educational Service Unit may request a staff member to seek an advanced degree (master's or higher) in a subject content area that would qualify the staff to teach additional classes or perform additional duties for the service unit in the district. When a staff agrees to earn an advanced degree for that purpose at the request of the administration or board, the service unit shall reimburse the teacher for the cost of tuition, fees and mileage pursuant to a written agreement setting forth the program of studies, education institution(s), time lines and other relevant information. This includes the relevant information including the completion of all assignments, taking all tests and following through with what is required to complete the certification process and/or the completion of all requirements for the degree or certification.

A staff member shall not be required to repay the cost of the tuition, fees and expenses if he or she remains in the employment of the service unit for three years after earning the degree. A teacher who leaves the employment of the service unit in fewer than three years after earning such a degree shall be responsible for repaying the service unit for one-third of the tuition, fees and expenses for each year less than three that he or she remains.

Adopted on: November 9, 2009
Revised on: November 14, 2011
Reviewed on: May 9, 2011
Reviewed on: Aug. 12, 2019
Reviewed on: Sept. 12, 2022